- 2 Tbsp grapeseed or coconut oil
- 2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1/4 white or yellow onion, diced
- 1/2 to 1 Tofurkey Kielbasa (meatless) link, diced (optional, may use sliced portabello mushroom instead)
- 1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
- 2-3 cups green leafies: (shown here) already washed & chopped kale greens, frozen sweet peas (thawed)
- 1 roma tomato, diced
- juice of 1/2 lime
- salt and pepper to taste (I used seasoned salt and freshly ground black pepper)
- fresh fruit and yogurt compote
Putting it together:
Mise en place: Heat on low two medium saute pans with a tablespoon of oil in each. I used one 12 inch saute pan and one 3 quart sauce pan (I only have one saute pan). Using a sharp chef’s knife, peel and chop the garlic, onion, and potato; dice the Tofurkey link and tomato. If using portabello mushroom, remove cap, de-gill, cut into quarters and slice.
Sauteing: Begin by turning up the heat to medium and sauteing the garlic in one pan and the onion in the other pan. Once the garlic is fragrant and before it turns yellow or brown around the edges, add the diced potatoes and stir to coat with the oil. Season with a bit of salt and pepper and cover. Be prepared to dial down the heat in about 5 minutes as the potato heats through.
Turn your attention to the other pan which has the onions. Add the Tofurkey and stir for about 1 minute (to heat). If using portabello mushroom, stir-fry until it starts sweating (release juice). Add the greens and stir to mix thoroughly. Season with a bit of salt and pepper (use less salt than you think if using Tofurkey because it is also salty). Cover and allow to steam. Turn heat down to low-medium or low as the veggies heat up (after steaming for about 5 minutes).
Check on the sweet potatoes and give it a stir. It’s done when the edges are brown and there’s some liquid steaming off the potato (and it’s tender). It takes about 10-12 minutes to fully cook through and slightly carmelize. Do not burn. Turn off heat, gape the cover slightly and set aside.
Add the diced tomatoes to the greens and incorporate into the mixture by lightly stirring. Squeeze on the lime juice, give a final mix, and cover. Once the tomatoes are wilted, and the green leafies have sweated, you are done. Gape the cover to allow the steam to escape and turn off heat.
Follow my recipe for fresh fruit and yogurt compote while allowing the cooked food to rest. Resting is important for flavor development and avoid burning your tongue. Serves two with left overs.
Accompaniment: A hot cup of herbal tea (like mint or ginger) helps with digestion. If you want to have a more energizing feel, try some unflavored carbonated water (i.e. seltzer water) with a twist of lime or a bit of fresh fruit juice (fresh-squeezed OJ or grapefruit) with or without ice. This reminds me of a healthy mimosa. I would avoid alcohol in the morning because it drags down your whole day.
Bon appetit!

Sunday Morning Breakfast