How much water should we drink each day?

That depends — on your weight, water loss due to activity and environment, and amount of water contained in the food that you eat.  Rough rule of thumb is to consume about half your body weight in ounces of uncaffeinated, unsweetened, non-alcoholic fluid per day.  Please go up or down on this amount depending on your perceived water loss (e.g. if you work out a lot or live in a dry environment, for example, you may want to drink a little more).  If you like to eat soups and drink smoothies, you may count this quantity into your daily allowance of fluid.  Remember, green leafy veggies count as bonus points, because they contain not only water, but minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.  So eat your veggies!  If you are drinking enough fluids, your urine should be pale yellow to clear.  If you have persistent dark-colored urine despite drinking enough fluids, please consult a physician.

Spring in Lost Maples

Spring in Lost Maples