Type 2 Diabetes Treatment in San Antonio, TX
A vast majority of individuals with diabetes are categorized as having type 2 diabetes. This chronic condition is caused by an imbalance of insulin in the body, which is a result of the body’s resistance to this particular hormone. Insulin resistance will lead to unregulated levels of sugar in the blood. Dr. Nguyen’s personalized approach to treating diabetes is centered around addressing lifestyle and diet first, followed by medications when necessary. If you suspect that you may be experiencing symptoms of diabetes, schedule an appointment with Dr. Nguyen today. Call (210) 599-4086 to request an appointment at our primary care office in Live Oak, TX.
Who Is at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes?
A diagnosis of this condition was previously reserved for adults, but in recent years there has been a steady increase in the amount of young adults and children with type 2 diabetes. It is believed that a large contributor to this is the rise in childhood obesity cases within Texas and the United States at large.
There are also certain ethnic groups that are more likely than others to develop type 2 diabetes. These include:
- African Americans
- Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders
- Native Americans
- Latinos
Finally, the elderly population is another demographic at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes as it is not uncommon for the body to have difficulty in managing blood glucose levels as we age.
Common Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
Many signs of type 2 diabetes can be associated with water retention and hydration of the body. Individuals with this condition will notice that they become thirsty quite often, and will also feel the need to urinate frequently.
Other common symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:
- Unintentional weight loss
- Weakness or exhaustion
- Increased susceptibility to infections
- Difficulty healing from small wounds
- Darkened patches of skin that often appear around the neck or armpits
- Blurred vision
- Intensified appetite
Because the symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be rather vague, it is not unusual for patients to be diagnosed with this condition until later on when symptoms have worsened. It is incredibly important to seek advice from Dr. Nguyen if you suspect that you may have type 2 diabetes, as leaving the condition untreated can result in permanent damage to the vascular system, kidneys, heart, nervous system, and eyes.
Treatment Options Provided at Alamo Wellness Alliance
Many individuals may be able to manage their type 2 diabetes through proper diet and exercise. Avoiding sugary foods and drinks is one crucial component, but there are also many other factors that can naturally influence your blood glucose levels, such as:
- Consuming natural sugars from fruits rather than from processed products
- Sticking to a regular exercise routine – the more intense the workout, the better
- Decreasing the amount of starch in your diet
- Strictly avoiding fast food that has been deep fried and packed with trans fats, refined carbohydrates, and sodium
- Get moving more often so that you stimulate your circulatory system
- Take active steps toward managing your stress levels, as these can have a significant impact on your blood sugar
- Utilizing all of the suggestions listed above to maintain a healthy weight
Personalized Care Through our Patient Portal
Our patient portal is a way to provide you with that extra bit of help. It allows you to connect with us any time via computer, tablet or smart phone. Through the portal, you can securely send diet diaries, blood pressure or blood sugar readings, and any information that would help us better understand your health habits.
Using this information, we will be able to suggest healthful food substitutions or behavioral modifications designed to help you optimize your body’s potential. You would also get feedback, through the patient portal, in the form of body mass index (BMI), blood pressure readings, laboratory/radiology results, and patient education. It is our experience that a majority of diseases can be reversed or mitigated by simple changes in diet and lifestyle, and this will be our focus.
Medications for Type 2 Diabetes
If healthy lifestyle choices are not enough to regulate your blood glucose levels, then medications may need to be considered. The particular medication(s) prescribed will vary on a patient-by-patient basis, as each case is quite unique.
Among the most common medications used to help manage symptoms caused by type 2 diabetes are:
- Metformin
- Thiazolidinediones
- Meglitinides
- Sulfonylureas
- Insulin
Request an Appointment for Diabetes Care Near San Antonio Today!
To speak with Dr. Nguyen about your type 2 diabetes concerns and treatment options, please contact Alamo Wellness Alliance today at (210) 599-4086 or use our secure online appointment request form to schedule an appointment!